- biocoen
- биоценоз
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
English-Russian Biotechnology Glossary. A. F. Valikhov, V. V. Kolotvin, O. A. Legonkova, I. A. Rogov, Thomas Creamer. 2007.
biocoen — biocenose … Dictionary of ichthyology
biocoen — n. [Gr. bios, life; koinos, common] All of the living components of an environment … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology
biocenose — the balanced association of animals and plants in a biotope, a natural assemblage; strictly the animal and plant associations excluding the physical aspects of the environment and so not the same as ecosystem. Also spelled biocoenose. Also called … Dictionary of ichthyology
holocoen — n. [Gr. holos, whole; koinos, common] The whole environment, the biocoen and abiocoen; the ecosystem … Dictionary of invertebrate zoology